DSC investigation of the influence of human placenta fractions on the thermal stability of protein complexes of erythrocyte membranes

TitleDSC investigation of the influence of human placenta fractions on the thermal stability of protein complexes of erythrocyte membranes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGovorova, Yu.S, Zinchenko, OV, Semenchenko, OYu., Bobrova, OM, Nardid, EO, Nardid, OA
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published3/2018

The effect of placenta extracts fractions on the thermal denaturation of erythrocyte membrane-bound proteins is investigated by differential adiabatic scanning calorimetry. Four transitions are registrated on a denaturation thermogram of white erythrocyte ghosts. Adding the placenta extracts fractions to the suspension of erythrocyte membrane-bound proteins leads to increasing the temperature of all protein groups except spectrin.

Keywordsdifferential scanning calorimetry, erythrocyte ghosts, placenta extracts fractions, thermal denaturation
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